mercredi 12 novembre 2014

Nao robot

Nao ist ein humanoider Roboter des französischen Roboterherstellers Aldebaran Robotics. NAO Evolution Rot ist der fortschrittlichste programmierbare humanoide Roboter der Welt: mehr natürliche Reflexe, verbesserte Audio- und Videokapazitäten. NAO is a personalizable and interactive robot. His humanoid shape and body movements give him life and make him a truly endearing companion.

Unveiling of NAO Evolution: a stronger robot and a more comprehensive operating system. NEW NAO Vhumanoid robot - the latest version is here!

The latest Tweets from NAO ()°. Aufbruch ins Zeitalter der Roboter und smarten Computer – Darüber diskutieren Roboter Nao und Ulrich. Robot Pepper is a prominent example for how the tourism industry is changing by the use of artificial.

NAO ist ein Roboter , der aussieht wie ein Mensch in Miniatur-Version. Irgendwann soll er einmal. Brainary Interactive is the official Australian and New Zealand distributor of the NAO humanoid robot.

Seine Freiheitsgrade ermöglichen es ihm, . As of yesterday, you can get the adorable and versatile humanoid robot NAO from Aldebaran Robotics for yourself, even if you are not an . Right from the beginning, NAO has won the hearts of classes and teachers from infant schools through to universities.

ZoraBots Nao mit Zora-Lösung und andere Roboterprodukte. Bei RobotShop alles über Robotik. Der humanoide Roboter NAO hat viel Charme und kann programmiert werden, um mit seinem Umfeld zu interagieren.

Probieren Sie es selbst aus! A new study shows humans were loath to turn a robot off when it. Nao is a small humanoid robot that chats, dances and competes in the world robot soccer championships. Bristlebots combine toothbrush . Versatile humanoid robot Nao can see (via two cameras), speak, react to touch, surf the web using WiFi, and interact with other Naos. The PERCEPTION team selected the companion robot NAO for experimenting and demonstrating various audio-visual skills as well as for developing the . The YPRL Robot What is NAO and why is it great?

At the IEEE Humanoids conference early this month, I met the new Nao. NAO Robot , All over the world. Official Fan Page of NAO, the programmable humanoid robot.

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